Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Boxing for young people in Warwick!

Support Sport are organising boxing lessons for young people aged between 13 & 19 at The Gap Centre, Oakwood Drive, Warwick.

The idea of the project is to keep young people off the streets, giving them the opportunities that they need to build discipline, values and skills and apply it to their lives outside of the ring.

Donate to local charities at
Donate a small fee to us through
to help opportunties like this continue

Director Joe Graham said:

"We ran a project for local young people to become young sports leaders, which was brilliant for the young people involved and some of them have made life changing progress since the beginning of the project, however, this doesn't suit everyone, and i feel that boxing could really help some of our youth channel some of their issues and learn to control some of their aggression. Whats brilliant about it is some of the leaders that attended our first project and begun the changing process, will be mentors on this programme."

Allthough the opportunity is open to the wider community, we are prioritising people within these age brackets from Percy, Woodloes and Packmores estates. The first session will take place this Friday 2nd March @ The GAP Centre, Oakwood Drive, Warwick. The project will then run each friday, plus some midweek days.

To enquire about a place, please contact Joe Graham on 07801 597666.

Peta reloaded ; )

Guest post by my sista  Ulla Loge!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wie viele vegane Sadisten kennst Du?....

After watching the new PETA-commercial I did not only realize that there really is an antifeminist backlash but also what world view this animal rights group seems to have:
-Bunnies and other cute animals - all other (not so beautiful) animals - vergans - men - fruits - vegetables - cereals - water - women
TRIGGER WARNING because of belittlement/ glorification of sexual violence.
TRIGGER WARNUNG: Verharmlosung/Verherrlichung von sexualisierter Gewalt.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bling Bling -Teddies

Hey! so many nice trends from the 80s came back. Why not also this trend?
Stuffed animals ornamented with jewellery! Do it for the teddies!
...But some trends can certainly stay where they got lost in the 90s....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skizze für eine Short-Story an der ich gerade arbeite. Diese beiden Kerlchen sind zwei typische Vertreter der Alpha-Avantgarde! Leider haben sie noch keine Hauptrolle, deshalb hängen sie jetzt mal auf dem Blog ab.
Sketch for a short-story that I'm currently working on. Those little fellows are typical examples of the Alpha-Avantgarde.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fit4Sport: South Leamington

Support Sport have recieved funding from the South Leamington Physical Activity Fund in order to deliver activities for children in South Leamington School.

The activities are based on multi-skills and multi-sports and developing the fitness skills of children in the area. The children undertook a few simple fitness tests on the first day, and will undertake the same tests on the last week of delivery, where we will assess how much of an improvement that they have made!

So far Support Sport have come into contact with just over 60 participants from mixed backgrounds.

See some of the comments below that have been made regarding the project:

"i love the coaches they make it fun and we are learning lots of sports"

"he has never got out of bed this early before!!!"

"we hade absolutely no trouble in school last week after the sessions, so it may well be helping the childrens learning too"

"im gonna be strong and fit when i finish"

"most of us can allready beat our test scores" 

"its a fantastic opportunity for children that dont always come first in the pecking order when it comes to opportunities like this...brilliant!"

Please keep an eye out on this blog so that you can see the whole story with photos at the end of the project, for any enquiries on the project, please contact or

Packmores Mini Olympic Fun!!

Support Sport are running a multi-sports opportunities in Priory Park, in the Packmores estate, Warwick during February Half Term.

Sports such as handball, dodgeball, football, kwick cricket and other fun games for children to get an enjoyable experience of sport will be played between 12:45 and 2:45 each day!

A local community worker stated:

" this is a fantastic opportunity for our neighbourhood! we dont get alot of sports oppportunities as we dont have the facilities to hold them, but we are hoping that children will be flocking to come and join in this half term!"

The activity will cost just 50p (which includes a drink for children that take part) in comparison to many other holiday activities costing up to £20 per day! Support Sport have recieved funding from Warwick District Council (Warwick Community Forum) for this valuable activity, where young leaders from the estate and surrounding areas are given the opportunity to help deliver the activities.

Support Sport are allready looking for local donations to help continuation of this project alongside many others that we are currently working on.

You can donate to Support Sport's valuable community objectives by clicking below.

Donate to local charities at

To reserve a space or seek more information please contact Joe Graham on or 07801597666

Thursday, February 2, 2012 natürlichem Grapefruit-Öl...

soap against kitchen-rumors.. ; ) ..obviously a word-play that doesn't work in english..