Friday, June 29, 2012

Stratford Unity in the Community: Phase 2 Starts this Friday!!

Support Sport have been working in the different communities in Stratford within the last few weeks!

The number of participants attending our sessions has remained extremely high, especially in Bishopton, Stratford.

With many of the young people asking if we will be running future activities in Stratford, one young person went as far as to say

" people are so much better behaved when Support Sport are here...i go to school with some of these guys and they are like changed kids"

One PCSO also suggested " Well this is the best i have ever seen them behaving, its great and should be happening all over" On this particular night we had 37 young people attend the session!

Support Sport Coach Sean Rellis
Coaches Steve Duffy and Sean Rellis, Paul Dipple and Joe Graham, who are all extremely proud of the way the project has progressed, also understand that for the more challenging young people there is more at stake:

" if we can keep C**** ******** this highly engaged and through phase 2 (leadership course) it will change his life for the better!"

In Clopton, Support Sport have persisted with activities and really had to act on instinct to allow young people to access the project in a positive environment and have as a result had a massive increase of young people from as little as 3 young people who were attending, move up to 13 in the last few weeks!

Director Joe Graham stated: I came into the project with knowledge of the great effect we have had in Warwick, but Stratford has been very difficult. With the cuts to the youth service, it is so hard to find people that are actually supporting young people! This is one of our greatest achievements to date and i think the young people actually really appreciate us"

Bishopton vs Clopton
Bishopton Corner
Support Sport ran a tournament for young people in Stratford at the Recreational Ground on 22/6/12 and 29/6/12 and had a fantastic turnout and response, see the pics below:

Two captains preparing for kick off
Bishopton vs Oxford House College
Support Sport would also like to thank all of our funders for allowing this to go ahead.

Unity in the Community
Coach Sean Rellis
Please watch out blog page to find out about phase 2 of our project (see below for video of last years course in Warwick).

Team Bishopton Defending
For people interested in accessing our Sports Leadership Course, please contact Joe Graham on 07801597666 or email

Front page of Sports Leaders Flier
Enrolment Form
Back Page Sports LeadersFlier

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dear english-speaking readers, to keep it short, this text is about the sentences: "He isn't very handsome, but has a lot of charm." and "In her youth she was a beauty." and my hope to be still alive when the day (hopefully) comes, when it will be very common to say: "She's not very pretty, but has a lot of charm." and "He was very pretty when he was young."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

...a post about the campground of  Erlangen, where the biggest german Comic-festival takes place every two years. It was closed this year, so I wrote down my memories of the campground-guard, who didn't like students and thought they were all too stupid to put glass-bottles in the right container. We miss him!