Friday, November 4, 2011

Kenilworth Mini Olympics Soccer!

Support Sport ran Kenilworth Mini Olympics Soccer camp in October half term 2011.. The course was held at Kenilworth Town Football Club and was aimed at children aged 7-12 for both boys and girls.
Over the 2 days the course consisted of Passing, Dribbling, Goalkeeping, Shooting, learning new skills and tricks and playing small sided games. The delivery of the course was shared between Joe Graham and the Young Leaders that Support Sport train through their programmes. 

We would like to thank the children that attended the course and hope that they enjoyed it as much as we did. This would not have been possible without the support of funding and also morale support of Warwick District Council Sports Development Team!

On the second day we held a Mini Olympic Soccer Competition, which was part of the theme for the the event, in order to inspire some of the children and remind them of the importance of the Olympic Games coming to London in 2012!

Of the 17 children that attended, four have been reccomended to sign on to local clubs, and another 5 have joined local football leagues themselves! on top of this, they have also continued to attend events held by Support Sport!

On an extremely positive note, Kenilworth Lions Club have recently made a donation to the project, in order to ensure that the opportunity can run again on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th of February Half Term, which will allow the project to grow and more children to attend the course!

This will allow the project to become more sustainable but it is a fantastic cause as it teaches children and young people valuable morales, skills and disciplines, whilst allowing them to socialise and learn from their peers/mentors. However, the project will continually cost money to run, and has a lot of time and hard work put into it, and therefore we are looking for future donations.

To donate, you can click on the link below and support our cause, or to book on for Feb Half Term, please contact Joe Graham on or 07801597666.

Donate to local charities at

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