Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lies die kind in progress (2)

Do you remember the Crash Test Dummies? If you do, you are sooooo old! - like me. I think, this was probably the first time, when I looked the word "dummy" up in the inter... no! back then it must have been a real physical dictionary.
So here are 4 dummies, accompanied by the original drawing for the cover of the soon-to-be-released comic-book "Lies die kind". And isn't this mangaesque misprint pretty?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Young Leaders Award

View YLA.jpg in slide showView SS logo.jpg in slide show

Introducing the Young Leaders Award

Support Sport are currently running a Young Leaders Award. 

The Young Leader Award is a programme of leadership training for young people between the ages of nine and 13 that promotes them working with younger children, teaching them basic leadership skills through a range of games and activities.

The award focuses on fundamental skills essential to coaching. Such as giving instructions, the organisation of people and equipment, and the use of space. The award teaches these topics through a practical, activity based, approach. In this way, the Young Leaders 'learn by doing' and, by the end of the course, will not only have the confidence and ability to lead others but will also have knowledge and experience of an extensive range of games and activities. 

The Cost of the programme is £50, and we have 10 spaces available. Support Sport can provide subsides for this course. (For any inquires use the contact details provided at the bottom of the page.)  

To book your place or for more information please contact Joe Graham on 07801 597666 or e-mail

Follow Support Sport on twitter! @graham_joe
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

London poem

The rain-soaked hem of a burkha...

A prophet with megaphone in the pedestrian precinct.
A market crier tries to drown him out.
In the tube a girl put's her make-up on, mirroring in the window.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lies die kind - in progress

Here is a detail of the title of a comic-book, that I'm currently working on. Actually it will be one of three comic-books containing short-stories, that I collected over the last few years. The first book of this "series" (I'm going to call it like this now, because my first idea was to publish all short-stories in one book - so now they belong together somehow...) is "My day off" and was already published one month ago. So maybe, I should have made this announcement a bit earlier, but I wasn't sure, whether I'd really do it that way...
"Lies die kind" will contain 12 pages and is a surrealist experimental story about the difficulty to live with repressed memories.
I will post some more making-off-pictures here...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today I took a sip of the jar where I wash my brushes.
That didn't happen for years.
I felt like a "real artist" again : )

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A day in the life of a (feminine) feminist

We discussed in the alphanova-galery about chicksoncomics and feminism.
In the train back home I was sexually harrassed.
My mobile didn't know the word "feminism" but suggested the word "feminin" instead.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Stratford Unity in the Community: Phase 2 Starts this Friday!!

Support Sport have been working in the different communities in Stratford within the last few weeks!

The number of participants attending our sessions has remained extremely high, especially in Bishopton, Stratford.

With many of the young people asking if we will be running future activities in Stratford, one young person went as far as to say

" people are so much better behaved when Support Sport are here...i go to school with some of these guys and they are like changed kids"

One PCSO also suggested " Well this is the best i have ever seen them behaving, its great and should be happening all over" On this particular night we had 37 young people attend the session!

Support Sport Coach Sean Rellis
Coaches Steve Duffy and Sean Rellis, Paul Dipple and Joe Graham, who are all extremely proud of the way the project has progressed, also understand that for the more challenging young people there is more at stake:

" if we can keep C**** ******** this highly engaged and through phase 2 (leadership course) it will change his life for the better!"

In Clopton, Support Sport have persisted with activities and really had to act on instinct to allow young people to access the project in a positive environment and have as a result had a massive increase of young people from as little as 3 young people who were attending, move up to 13 in the last few weeks!

Director Joe Graham stated: I came into the project with knowledge of the great effect we have had in Warwick, but Stratford has been very difficult. With the cuts to the youth service, it is so hard to find people that are actually supporting young people! This is one of our greatest achievements to date and i think the young people actually really appreciate us"

Bishopton vs Clopton
Bishopton Corner
Support Sport ran a tournament for young people in Stratford at the Recreational Ground on 22/6/12 and 29/6/12 and had a fantastic turnout and response, see the pics below:

Two captains preparing for kick off
Bishopton vs Oxford House College
Support Sport would also like to thank all of our funders for allowing this to go ahead.

Unity in the Community
Coach Sean Rellis
Please watch out blog page to find out about phase 2 of our project (see below for video of last years course in Warwick).

Team Bishopton Defending
For people interested in accessing our Sports Leadership Course, please contact Joe Graham on 07801597666 or email

Front page of Sports Leaders Flier
Enrolment Form
Back Page Sports LeadersFlier

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dear english-speaking readers, to keep it short, this text is about the sentences: "He isn't very handsome, but has a lot of charm." and "In her youth she was a beauty." and my hope to be still alive when the day (hopefully) comes, when it will be very common to say: "She's not very pretty, but has a lot of charm." and "He was very pretty when he was young."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

...a post about the campground of  Erlangen, where the biggest german Comic-festival takes place every two years. It was closed this year, so I wrote down my memories of the campground-guard, who didn't like students and thought they were all too stupid to put glass-bottles in the right container. We miss him!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Unity In the Community - Stratford!!

Unity in the community is finally up and running in Stratford Upon-Avon, aiming to engage young people to get involved in sport in their community, but also to become leaders for their community.

The project also has links to employment, work experience and volunteering roles to further support the development of young people. In particular, the project targets young people that are not in education, employment or training, or generally at some form of social disadvantage.

Unity in the Community is ran in three stages, the first of which has just begun in the Bancroft, Bishopton and Clopton areas of Stratford consisting of football and multi-sport activities for young people to play as they wish. Activities last up to 7 weeks and the project finishes with a Tournament (See Flier for details) for teams from all over Stratford to enter!

So far we have had a fantastic response over this from both young people and people that work with them, alongside local authorities who have also been very supportive! We need people from all community organisations and individuals across stratford to get and stay involved with this to help young people utilise this opportunity to its potential!

In stage 2 Young leaders will complete Sports Leaders Level 1 and 2 Qualifications, which hold UCAS and QCF points and are nationally recognised qualifications, leading Higher Sports Leader Award (Please see of the project in order to develop their leadership skills and give them the opportunity to coach others in their community!

This part of the project will last 10 weeks for each qualification and will involve a community event (football tournament which will be publicised shortly) for young people to showcase their skills!

Director Joe Graham states:

"This was the route that helped me into sports coaching, i started off as a 14 year old with very little self esteem and always in trouble, but through sport and coaching i learnt discipline, morales and values that i have stuck to ever since. The most rewarding thing for me, is when i see the people that are making the same progress that i began making 10 years ago, and getting so much respect off their community, i just wish i had opportunities like this back then". Stacey Doughty

The project is also set up to provide ongoing support for young people, and a budget is allocated to ensure that young people that come through the project can benefit from additional training such as workshops, sport specific or refereeing qualifications.

This is very flexible and will be worked out on an individual basis. We are also aiming to run community sessions at by the end of the project, where young people will run sessions in their and others' communities to build cohesion between themselves and other generations.

Perhaps the strongest element of the project, is the links that Support Sport have to other organisations within the community, supporting young people to use their skills to find work, volunteering, placements and other support networks!

Participants comments (please watch this space as participants will be adding to it regularly!)

" Since the project unity in the community i have been given many opportunities to develop as a coach and a person. Since the project i have only grown in confidence as Onside coaching have gave me opportunites to work for them and i have also been working in schools and other sports projects in the community ! "

"The activities we are doing are fun and they are centred round us so we can enjoy it"

Finally, Support Sport would like to thank the Stratford Town Trust, Orbit Heart of England Housing Association, TOMS Fund, Stratford Town Council and Warwickshire County Council. This is not only for their funding and financial support, but for their tireless support in supporting us to get the project off the ground.

Support Sport are also looking for partners within the project to support young people from all types of backgrounds to get involved. We are already working with the youth service, but with the cuts that Stratford have faced in this department we are looking for all kinds of organisations to come forward from potential employers, organisations willing to take on someone on work experience, organisations seeking volunteers or that have volunteers that could contribute to the project.

Please contact Joe Graham to find out more details (07801 597666 or

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a man cried loudly on the street. what had happened to him? he sobbed like a child.
because i wanted to eat my ice-cream undisturbed by lustful glances, i went to the graveyard.
first I thought: "these sprayers really stop at nothing!" dann I recognized that this was a sprayer's grave.
next to my house I saw a girl with a funny telephone (in pink!!!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sorry, dear non-German-speakers, I can't translate this...
But thanks for visiting my blog!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Liebe LeserInnen,
letztes Jahr im September hatte ich ja schon einmal angekündigt, weniger zu bloggen. Seitdem hielt ich mich allerdings immer noch an einen wöchentlichen Rhythmus, den ich nun aber wirklich aufgeben werde.
Es wird Frühling und ich habe das Gefühl, genug im Laub vor mich hingeratzt zu haben...
Der Blog war mein Laubhaufen, auf den die kleinen Geschehnisse des Alltags unsortiert herunter flatterten. Ich habe dadurch gemerkt wie unglaublich vielfältig das tägliche Leben ist, dass ich mich für mehr Themen interessiere, als ich dachte, aber mir ist auch klar geworden, dass Fiktion letztendlich auch nur aus der Realität besteht. Und mittlerweile interessiert es mich mehr, diese kleinen Dinge zu einem großen Ganzen zu verflechten, als sie einfach „nur so“ zu sammeln.

Ich habe trotzdem noch einige geplante Blogeinträge, die ich gerne umsetzen würde. Nur weiß ich nicht, wann.... Wenn Ihr meinem Blog noch folgen möchtet, ist es
jetzt wahrscheinlich besser, ihn über Facebook, Bloglovin oder Blogger zu abonnieren.(Dafür bitte runterscrollen.)
Ansonsten möchte ich Euch noch einmal meine Sammlung der comic-sport-Beiträge des ersten halben Jahres (die, meiner Meinung nach zu den besten gehören) ans Herz legen: von mir liebevoll handgebunden, mit 6-farbigem Siebdruckcover gedruckt und - das Beste (für alle Nerds und Sammler): limitiert auf 40 Stück!
Es sind noch einige Exemplare im shop vorhanden....
Ich danke Euch, dass Ihr mir bisher Eure Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt habt und würde mich natürlich auch freuen wenn Ihr Euch für meine anderen Projekte interessiert... Neuigkeiten dazu findet Ihr immer hier:
Dear readers,
In september I said that I wanted to post less on this blog, but then I still blogged once a week. Now I really mean it... I'm doing this for 2 and a half years now, but meanwhile I've become more interested in longer fictional stories, instead of just collecting unsorted little daily-life-stories. I loved doing this and I learned a lot about me, my themes and -most important- that fiction contains of daily-life, too. I still won't stop blogging here, but maybe it's better if you follow me on facebook, blooger or bloglovin, because there will be longer breaks now.
If you are interested, what I'm doing instead of comic-sports, please visit my homepage:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Support Sport Fun Runs - Raising Money for Warwickshire Crimebeat!!

Support sport have entered 2 young people- Stacey Doughty and Steve Duffy into the 2 castle run (warwick castle to kenilworth castle) This is a great opportunity to raise money for support sport so we can keep the projects such as project brazil, kenilworth mini games and even to employ another apprentice!

We are looking to raise £150 each and so far we have managed to raise just over £70 each in the last couple of days. If you are interested in either running a race or to sponsor us then please contact us on 07980083992 or via!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Boxing for young people in Warwick!

Support Sport are organising boxing lessons for young people aged between 13 & 19 at The Gap Centre, Oakwood Drive, Warwick.

The idea of the project is to keep young people off the streets, giving them the opportunities that they need to build discipline, values and skills and apply it to their lives outside of the ring.

Donate to local charities at
Donate a small fee to us through
to help opportunties like this continue

Director Joe Graham said:

"We ran a project for local young people to become young sports leaders, which was brilliant for the young people involved and some of them have made life changing progress since the beginning of the project, however, this doesn't suit everyone, and i feel that boxing could really help some of our youth channel some of their issues and learn to control some of their aggression. Whats brilliant about it is some of the leaders that attended our first project and begun the changing process, will be mentors on this programme."

Allthough the opportunity is open to the wider community, we are prioritising people within these age brackets from Percy, Woodloes and Packmores estates. The first session will take place this Friday 2nd March @ The GAP Centre, Oakwood Drive, Warwick. The project will then run each friday, plus some midweek days.

To enquire about a place, please contact Joe Graham on 07801 597666.

Peta reloaded ; )

Guest post by my sista  Ulla Loge!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wie viele vegane Sadisten kennst Du?....

After watching the new PETA-commercial I did not only realize that there really is an antifeminist backlash but also what world view this animal rights group seems to have:
-Bunnies and other cute animals - all other (not so beautiful) animals - vergans - men - fruits - vegetables - cereals - water - women
TRIGGER WARNING because of belittlement/ glorification of sexual violence.
TRIGGER WARNUNG: Verharmlosung/Verherrlichung von sexualisierter Gewalt.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bling Bling -Teddies

Hey! so many nice trends from the 80s came back. Why not also this trend?
Stuffed animals ornamented with jewellery! Do it for the teddies!
...But some trends can certainly stay where they got lost in the 90s....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skizze für eine Short-Story an der ich gerade arbeite. Diese beiden Kerlchen sind zwei typische Vertreter der Alpha-Avantgarde! Leider haben sie noch keine Hauptrolle, deshalb hängen sie jetzt mal auf dem Blog ab.
Sketch for a short-story that I'm currently working on. Those little fellows are typical examples of the Alpha-Avantgarde.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fit4Sport: South Leamington

Support Sport have recieved funding from the South Leamington Physical Activity Fund in order to deliver activities for children in South Leamington School.

The activities are based on multi-skills and multi-sports and developing the fitness skills of children in the area. The children undertook a few simple fitness tests on the first day, and will undertake the same tests on the last week of delivery, where we will assess how much of an improvement that they have made!

So far Support Sport have come into contact with just over 60 participants from mixed backgrounds.

See some of the comments below that have been made regarding the project:

"i love the coaches they make it fun and we are learning lots of sports"

"he has never got out of bed this early before!!!"

"we hade absolutely no trouble in school last week after the sessions, so it may well be helping the childrens learning too"

"im gonna be strong and fit when i finish"

"most of us can allready beat our test scores" 

"its a fantastic opportunity for children that dont always come first in the pecking order when it comes to opportunities like this...brilliant!"

Please keep an eye out on this blog so that you can see the whole story with photos at the end of the project, for any enquiries on the project, please contact or